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Water determination in gases by Aquamax KF PRO LPG

Aquamax Serie

Aquamax KF PRO LPG
Aquamax KF PRO LPG
Aquamax PRO LPG with LPG Selection Box connected
Aquamax KF PRO LPG with LPG Selection Box connected
Universal reagent exchange module SWOP Box
SWOP Box - universal reagent exchange module
Aquamax KF PRO LPG

The Aquamax KF PRO LPG fulfils the requirements of the standard ASTM D 7995 - 19: Standard Test Method for Total Water in Liquid Butane by Liquefied Gas Sampler and Coulometric Karl Fischer Titration.

   LPG Selection Box - automated sample feeding of liquefied gases

LPG Selection Box

   SWOP Box - universal reagent exchange module for all Karl Fischer titrators (regardless of manufacturer)

Universal reagent exchange module


The Aquamax KF PRO LPG is designed for an easy and accurate determination of water in liquefied and gaseous samples such as LPG and LNG.

The new device combines coulometric Karl Fischer method with an unique gas evaporation and dosing procedure.

The Aquamax KF PRO LPG includes all features required for ppm level water in LPG and Gas including, the sulphur removal cartridge eliminating the side reactions caused by sulphides/H2S. Our sample loop principle allows you to fully automate the measurements, up to 125 per day!

All Aquamax KF PRO LPG parts are totally enclosed making this system completely safe and robust for use in the demanding petroleum industry.

The unique ECH sample loop allows you to use the instrument in your laboratory with full automation, as a portable/field use analyzer or can be integrated in to your process as an on-line system.


Areas of Application


  • propane, propene, butane, butene, butadiene
  • ethylene oxide
  • chlorinated hydrocarbons, e. g. methylene chloride, ethylene chloride, vinyl chloride

Analysis of refrigerants:

  • halogenated hydrocarbons

Analysis of permanent gases:

  • natural gas
  • technical gases
  • mixtures of test gases


  • Sulphur removal cartridge eliminating the side reactions caused by sulphides/H2S
  • No interference calculation required
  • 250 measurements can be performed in 48 hours
  • Totally automated process, no operator input required for the test
  • Suitable to test all gas types without any calibration or adjustments
  • No separate rinsing gas is required
  • Rinsing process is fully automated
  • No balance is required
  • High sample throughput and long reagent life
  • Compact device

Data sheet

LPG Selection Box

Universal reagent exchange module



ECH Elektrochemie Halle GmbH
Otto-Eißfeldt-Straße 8
06120 Halle (Saale)

Tel.: +49 345 279570-0
Fax: +49 345 279570-99
Mail: info@ech.de

Sales and Service Center UK

ECH Scientific Limited
Building 69, Wrest Park, Silsoe
Bedfordshire, MK45 4HS
United Kingdom

Tel.: +44 1525 404747
Fax: +44 1525 404848
Mail: info@echscientific.com