H2S determination in solid and pasty samples
The determination of volatile hydrogen sulphide (H2S) in solid and pasty samples is now very easy. The selective H2S analysis system Sulfimax GX of the ECH is extended with a manual headspace module.
The sample is filled into a glass vial and heated in the headspace module. Depending on the sample type, the heating temperature can be varied from 30 to 180 °C. The volatile H2S is transported through the gas circulation to the sensor in the Sulfimax GX and measured there. Very low H2S concentrations are detectable. Sample preparation is not necessary.
Due to the short determination times, high sample throughputs are possible. The compact and robust device can be easily operated by anyone.
H2S analysis systems from ECH, coupled with the Headspace Module allow the measurement of
ECH Elektrochemie Halle GmbH
Otto-Eißfeldt-Straße 8
06120 Halle (Saale)
Tel.: +49 345 279570-0
Fax: +49 345 279570-99
Mail: info@ech.de
ECH Scientific Limited
Building 69, Wrest Park, Silsoe
Bedfordshire, MK45 4HS
United Kingdom
Tel.: +44 1525 404747
Fax: +44 1525 404848
Mail: info@echscientific.com