Water content in all types of samples
For the determination of water content in solid, liquid, viscous and gaseous samples, we offer various titrators according to the Karl Fischer method.
Articles on PETRO Online
Breakdown of ASTM D6304 (ppm water content determination using coulometric Karl Fischer titration)
ECH Sample Loop vs Mass Flow Controller for ppm water in LPG determination according to ASTM D 7995
Revisions to ASTM D 6304 (ppm water content determination using coulometric Karl Fischer titration)
ECH Closed Loop Technique for ppm water in oil determination (new revisions to ASTM D 6304)
How to truly determine the water content to 1 ppm in petroleum products
Aquamax KF
The devices of the Aquamax KF series are compact and rugged:
In-lab and on-site ppm water determination in liquid samples – quickly and easily – Aquamax KF Plus
Water determination in gases – Aquamax KF PRO LPG
Water determination in oil samples according to standard ASTM D 6304 – Aquamax KF PRO Oil
Online determination of water content in oil samples – Aquamax KF Online
AQUA 40.00
Depending on the sample matrix, the AQUA 40.00 Basic Module can be used individually or coupled with various additional modules:
Water content of solids, pasty materials and oils, also suitable for hygroscopic samples, for larger sample volumes (0,5…100 mL), as manual version or with autosampler (heating temperature up to 300 °C), suitable for 2 R – 50 R vials – AQUA 40.00 Vario
Water content of solid, pasty and liquid samples (heating temperature up to 1300 °C) – High Temperature Oven HT 1300 for AQUA 40.00
ECH Elektrochemie Halle GmbH
Otto-Eißfeldt-Straße 8
06120 Halle (Saale)
Tel.: +49 345 279570-0
Fax: +49 345 279570-99
Mail: info@ech.de
ECH Scientific Limited
Building 69, Wrest Park, Silsoe
Bedfordshire, MK45 4HS
United Kingdom
Tel.: +44 1525 404747
Fax: +44 1525 404848
Mail: info@echscientific.com